Gathering Our Selves in Unity Consciousness

As we are receiving these beautiful Christ Energies, we are finding the Vastness of Cosmic Multidimensionality. Beautiful. We come from the Stars and we travel in the Cosmos as our Awakened Selves unfold. We are returning to our Original Blueprint. We are dropping the fragmented existence of Human incarnations.

We are meant to be Boundless and unrestrained. We are full and we are by our very natures the Vast One and the Creative One for we know no separation. We are One with the All That Is. You are the One and We are One in the Unity of Christ Consciousness.

The separation of Duality is leaving us as We emerge into New Multidimensional Beings. Allow and embrace the newness. Time and Matter are dissolving as we begin to integrate our new vibrational existence. Non-linear time now wrapping us in the cocoon of Knowing all in this Now. God Consciousness come to us One petal at a time into being One with Creator. Allow it all to dissolve. Each breath bringing in the Light and Love of Creation. You are Creation’s most beautiful One.

Each day offers amazing progress if you allow. For those who have done the Shadow work and are releasing all that no longer serves their highest good in Universal Law in Divine Plan, the possibilities are endless and eager for You. We progress rapidly in shedding the restraints of a carbon body for our Light Bodies.

Our Consciousness knows no boundaries and our Divine Light Bodies follow suit. It will be vastly new and wonderful. Allow. Listen to the Knowing and Honor Your Essence in all aspects of Your Existence. Begin the process of integration in whatever way is presented to you. Observe and allow as long as it feels good and well within Your Heart and Your Knowing. Always ask for the upgrades according to Universal Law and Divine Plan.

We are healing and as we healed the Divine Feminine in 2017, we now are healing our Divine Masculine selves in Love and Gratitude. We are grateful for the protection and devotion of the Divine Masculine for having held the Sacred Feminine Ways throughout the eons and eons of Patriarchal persecution and enslavement.

We are unifying or marrying all of our fragmented selves into our Multidimensional Selves in the Wholeness of the One.

Healing our inner child and the damage sustained in Duality requires a process of observation, allowance, and forgiveness. Constantly release what no longer serves our highest good. Each time we release resentment, judgement, anger and replace it with empathy, understanding and unconditional Love, we bring in more Light for the New World We are creating. Do the work so that we may all be in the Unity of Christ Consciousness. We bring Heaven on Earth.

We are already in a much kinder World and each day in each moment we are embracing this New World of Heaven on Earth where all healing is occurring for Sacred Gaia. We are so grateful for her loving care and her forgiving Nature. The Ancient Ones have returned and the Rainbow Warriors awaken to take us into the Formless Vibrations of Love and the Beingness of All That Is.

You are the One and We are One in the Unity of Christ Consciousness.

Victory of the Light

And So It Is.

Luminara El An Ra


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